Contact us to plan your western holiday to discover the Baobab in Madagascar
We’re lucky to have Madagascar, an island so rich in biodiversity in terms of both flora and fauna. It’s green and red at the same time, thanks to the evergreen forest and the central red earth. It has just 587040km2, 1500km long and 587km wide, but it is home to 05% of the world’s biodiversity. Australia has a surface area of 7.688 million km² but only one species of Baobab called Adansonia gregori. Africa 30.37 million km² also has only one species of Baobab called Adansonia digitata. The other continents such as Europe, Asia, America and the other large islands have no species of Baobab growing there. Madagascar, which is such a small island compared with other continents and lies off the Indian Ocean, is home to 07 species of Baobab, 06 of which are endemic to the island: what a richness! We are aware that we don’t have the Eifel Towers, which are 300 m high, or the pyramid, which is 147 m high, but we do have our baobabs, which are more than 25 m high and above all natural, not man-made.
Baobab is a xerophytic plant species: in other words, it can withstand drought throughout the year. It bears leaves only during the rainy season, to avoid too much evaporation during the dry season. And its very swollen trunk contains water which it uses to survive during the season when rainfall is less than 500mm/year. This climatic condition is a favourable one for baobabs to grow. The arid or semi-arid part is located in the western part of the island, making it the ideal place to discover the different species of Baobabs.
It’s no coincidence that the local population venerate the spirits that incarnate on the Baobabs, as this majestic tree takes on all the shapes and colours of other trees. Here are some of the unusual shapes of the Baobabs that you are likely to see on the west coast of the island:
– Baobab mal: The baobab mal is a baobab that grows in the forest of the Kirindy reserve. It has a small willy like the male sex, but the size of the willy doesn’t match the size of the baobab;
– Baobabs amoureux: the famous baobabs amoureux can be found a few kilometres from the allée des Baobab and also along Route Nationale 08. They are called ‘Baobabs amoureux’ because two baobab trunks cross each other like human beings kissing next to each other;
– Coffee Baobabs: this form of baobab is found in the Reniala reserve at Mangily. It is the largest of any individual Baobab in this reserve: it takes 07 Madagascans to surround it and 12 people for the Japanese;
There are many unusual forms of baobab in Madagascar, but here I’ll just mention a few.
In Madagascar, the Baobab is called Reniala, literally the mother of the forest, because of its height above other trees. The word Baobbab comes from the Arabic word Zil-hibaba or Zoul-hibab which means a plant containing fruits inside which there are a thousand grains or a thousand pepins. 07 species are found in Madagascar, 06 of which are endemic:
– Adansonia grandidieri;
– Adansonia pierreri ;
– Adansonia suarezensis;
– Adansonia rubrostipa;
– Adansonia za ;
– Adansonia madagascariensis.
The 06 baobab species mentioned above are found in the western part of Madagascar, from Tuléar to Diego in the north.
Baobabs play a multifunctional role in the lives of people in western Madagascar, both ecologically and socio-economically.
Baobabs are niches for numerous animal and plant species. They provide ecological niches and food for birds, bats, insects and other animals. It is a favourite niche for bats and the only animal that pollinates baobab flowers at night.
The roots of baobabs help to prevent soil erosion, as half the height of a baobab is its root. This protects the baobabs from falling during cyclones. Their ability to store water helps to maintain soil moisture during dry periods.
Economic :
The fruits of the baobab, rich in vitamin C, are consumed by local populations in the form of drinks. The seeds can be made into oil, and the leaves are also edible. And even people from the south brush their teeth using baobab leaves.
Baobab bark can be used to make traditional house roofs, ropes, clothes, and other handicrafts.
The baobabs attract thousands of tourists a year, which can be a source of income for local communities.
Baobabs are often considered sacred trees and play a central role in many local beliefs and traditions. Its size conceals thousands of secrets, which is why the Malagasy people respect this species.
Because of their unique character and longevity, baobabs are symbols of Madagascar’s resilience and natural wealth.
In environmental and climatic terms:
Mangroves are known to sequester more carbon, but so do baobabs. Like all trees, baobabs play a role in carbon sequestration, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Adaptation to arid conditions: Baobabs are adapted to arid climates because they are xerophilous. They store more than 10,000 litres of water in their trunks to survive periods of drought.
Baobabs are not pyrophilous. Stop the bushfire, it could kill off our wealth.
If you would like more information about baobabs, please contact us. Or clic to the circuit to discover this plant. Let’s travel together
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